Annual Reports

2020 Annual Report

Hello Friends and Family of AGMC,

This will be my final report to our members and community as President of AGMC, and I must admit I am both musingly sad and excited at the same time. Sad, because it will be close of a chapter for me – I’ve been in the President role for 4 years, Vice-President for a few years before that, but have been with AGMC from the start back in 2004 as a bright eyed (and single!) university student. Looking back on my time as President, I’m touched by all the amazing work AGMC has done – just in four years – including:

  • Taking a leadership role in ensuring visibility and a voice of multicultural/faith LGBTIQ+ during the same-sex marriage plebiscite.
  • Running an amazing national conference – with a tiny committee of 7 people….and we pulled it off with heartwarming feedback
  • Fixing up our internal processes and policies to that AGMC has solid governance and procedures to help us grow and move forward to become an even bigger organisation
  • Running a large state-wide research project on racism and other forms of prejudice experienced by our multicultural/faith LGBTIQ individuals and communities
  • Creating and hosting of series of “United We Feast”…which is a grown up version (or…”middle-aged” version) of the previously successful “United We Dance”

We’re not perfect – no organisation is, there is always room for improvement and we always have ideas on how to improve internally, how to better engage with our communities, and how to better advocate for our freedom, our rights, our safety, and advocating for the betterment of our lives.

But, AGMC has certainly grown so much in the past few years…I’m like a proud mama about to wave them off to their first day of school.

So yes, I am musingly sad…but I know it’s time to allow new energy and a new chapter for AGMC’s story. Which is why I said I am at the same time, excited.

Before I fully share my excitement, let’s quickly look at the current year – the year of “unprecedented” events.

This year – well….you could say no-one had 20-20 vision  !  However – we do have some great things to share:

  1. We’ve launched our 2020-2023 strategic plan
  2. We’re finalising our report on our state-wide research project on racism and other forms of prejudice experienced by our multicultural/faith LGBTIQ individuals and communities
  3. We held virtual United We Feasts
  4. We’ve continued to provide our advocacy, training, and voice to support our communities.
  5. ….and…..we’ve signed off on the paperwork to be in the Victorian Pride Centre next year!! I promised Ro Allen (Victorian Commission for LGBTIQ+) that I would purchase some golden lions for the AGMC office…so if you know where I can get some large inflatable golden lions…please let me know.

So yes….I’m excited!!

I’m excited because I know we’ve laid the foundations for AGMC to be a powerhouse nationally. We’ve laid the foundation for AGMC to advocate for multicultural/faith LGBTIQ at local government level, at the state level, and also at the national level. We’ve opened up (even if it’s just a crack!) the possibility for AGMC to really take the lead on sorely-needed research on the barriers, needs, and actions required by our multicultural/faith LGBTIQ communities.

We’ve more than opened up AGMC’s role as a lead trainer to community, government, and corporate organisations on intersectionality.  We’ve begun the process of connecting and honouring the true custodians of the lands that we meet on – make no mistake, we meet on Aboriginal land that has never been ceded. AGMC has a huge role to play in bridging gaps and being the glue that brings together and celebrate the true meaning of intersectionality. We not only stand for multicultural/faith LGBITQ+ – we also stand by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, we stand by our people with disabilities, we stand by our older adults, and we stand by our refugee and asylum seekers, our international students and workers, and our youth.

I’m excited – because I know our communities are capable of so much power and change, and I can’t wait to see the wings of that power and change unfurl and soar in the next chapter of AGMC’s story.

So with that – I sign off on my last report with much love,

Dr Judy Tang                                                                                                     
Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council

2019 Annual Report

Hello Friends and Family of AGMC,

This is my third report to AGMC and I must admit that this amazing organisation has kept us busy!

Following the inspirational National Conference held last year in St. Kilda, we were motivated to keep some more momentum going – and here’s what we got up to:

  1. We held the multicultural/people of colour (POC) caucus at the Better Together 2019 Conference in Sydney – many thanks to Maria Bololia in chairing and documenting this caucus.
  2. We launched our book “Living and Loving in Diversity” in Western Australia, with astounding support from local WA communities. Our biggest thanks goes to Carl Gopalkrishnan who did most of the leg work in making this happen.
  3. We worked with Chinese Health Foundation Australia, who after passing marriage equality, created a “rainbow bridge” project to connect Chinese communities with LGBTIQ communities – our next event is a mini United We Feast (yum cha!) on the 11th December at 11am in Doncaster.
  4. In conjunction with the Victorian State Government, we conducted a research study on racism and other forms of prejudice experienced by multicultural/multifaith (MCMF) LGBTIQ – led by Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, and closely supported by Budi Sudarto, AGMC held several focus groups, and also put up an online survey. We are at the tail-end of the researching bit, and we look forward to sharing the results with the wider community soon.
  5. We made a submission to the Religious Discrimination Bill, with special thanks to Michelle for heading this. As aptly put in our submission:

“AGMC supports legislation which prevents discrimination against Australians on the basis of faith and religion, or for not holding those beliefs. Our membership experiences discrimination on the basis of our racial and cultural characteristics, our faith and religious beliefs and also on the basis of LGBTIQ identities. Any new law should be a simple anti-discrimination bill without conferring the numerous special privileges and rights that the current proposed legislation provides for.”

  1. In 2018, we received a capacity building grant, and have been VERY busily working in the background to tidy up our processes, paperwork, and structure of AGMC. It started out as a “good to have” kind of grant/project, but as you know, AGMC has grown considerably in our positioning and presence over the past 3 years, which meant that our internal structures needed to evolve as well. I would like to make special mention to Budi Sudarto for helping us stay on track with this grant and process; to Peng Kuang (our current Treasurer) for helping us make some headway with regard to our financial record keeping and reporting; and to Alyena Mohummadally for doing the hardest thing of all – our “internal paperwork”.
  2. With support from the Darebin Council, we also did a United We Feast – IFTAR edition earlier this year in Darebin. This event was especially important, as we hope to embark on greater council connections and engagement for MCMF LGBTIQ advocacy and support. A special mention to Margherita Coppolino for being the integral organiser for this Feast.
  3. We also received funding by the Victorian State Government to host another FOUR United We Feasts this year! We have already held two – one in Shepparton, as part of the opening of their Out in the OPEN festival; and another in Bendigo. Our next two will be in Dandenong (Nov 30th), and in Footscray (Dec 13th). A huge thank you to Margherita again for arranging the Shepparton and Footscray Feasts, a huge thank you to Michelle for arranging the Bendigo Feast, and a huge thank you to Vibol Hy for arranging the Dandenong Feast.
  4. We deepened our connections with FECCA and Multicultural Arts Victoria (MAV). We supported the appointment of Rida Khan, who is now the Youth Chair of FECCA, and keen to ensure close engagement between AGMC and FECCA. We also presented at the FECCA conference in Hobart. MAV has been supportive in providing amazing entertainment for our Feasts, and we hope to work even more with them in promoting diversity in the arts.
  5. This is just the main things we got up to, and for the interests of time, I’ll quickly acknowledge the intersectionality trainings we’ve provided (with thanks to Budi’s hard work and expertise), we were part of the Out for Australia panel discussion on mental health in workplace settings, we are making inroads to the Victorian Multicultural Commission and GLOBE, and we have connected with MCMF groups in NSW, SA, and WA.

So what’s up for 2020? Well for starters:

  1. We hope to build and maintain a volunteer database
  2. We hope to host a United We Feast – Yellowkitties edition, as Yellowkitties will be celebrating their 20 year anniversary!
  3. We will be finalising our paperwork to be part of the Pride Centre
  4. We will be part of the Better Together conference happening in January 2020
  5. We will continue to deepen our engagement with communities and organisations, so that we can extend our support for our MCMF LGBTI family – whether it’s through advocacy, research, training/education, or simply community events and being there.

All this could not happen without your support and kindness, and I am very thankful for our members who are with us along this journey. I look forward to working for you all in 2020!

With much love,

Dr Judy Tang                                                                                                     
Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council

2018 Annual Report


What a year 2018 has been for the Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council!

After our tireless campaigning for the multicultural ‘YES’ vote in 2017, and subsequently, the passing of marriage equality laws in Australia, we knew we had to ride the momentum of awareness. And we are very grateful for the sequence of events and supports that have helped propel us further:

  1. AGMC is a grant recipient of the DPC’s LGBTI Capacity Building Grant. With their support of about $80,000 – AGMC is finally able to pursue our capacity to improve governance, volunteer management, marketing, and financial management. It’s long overdue and we are very excited to get ourselves even more organised in the next few years.
  2. AGMC received a research grant of $150,000 to conduct the important study of prejudice and violence against multicultural and/or multifaith (MCMF) LGBTIQA+. Headed by Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, the research is well underway and we hope to share our findings and future directions in 2019.
  3. AGMC went all for it – with our National conference, held at St Kilda Town Hall in September 2018. We received support from the Victorian Government, SBS, FECCA, GLOBE, Drummond Street Services, and Mind Australia, to name a few. We had in attendance, over 350 delegates from all over Australia, and some internationally. It was an amazing 3 days of community, learning and sharing. A Youth Caucus document was produced, and within the next few weeks, we hope to finalise our national strategy/document as a result from our conference.
  4. As part of the AGMC Conference, we held our 2nd United We Feast – and it was certainly a celebration! From Japanese Taiko drummers, to mesmerising belly-dancing, the Feast was another sell-out and received amazing and positive feedback.
  5. AGMC launched our eagerly anticipated book – Living and Loving in Diversity. It’s now selling – and has been spotted in Australian airports no less!
  6. AGMC has solidified its seat within the Pride Centre – helping them secure about $90,000 as part of the Multicultural Infrastructure Grant, which will of course be used for our 6-foot golden lions that will grace our office doors – I’m just joking! Seriously though, that funding will be used to ensure that the Pride Centre is inclusive and welcoming of ALL LGBTIQA+ people – no matter their skin colour, faith, race or ethnicity.

So – what’s in stall for 2019? Plenty!

  1. AGMC will be hosting SEVERAL United We Feasts in 2019! We will take it regionally and to the suburbs to engage with local multicultural and multifaith communities within Australia. If there will be an LGBTI Roadshow, we may consider joining the bandwagon?
  2. AGMC will continue to support and promote the Pride Centre, and to ensure the Centre is a welcoming and safe space for MCMF LGBTIQA+
  3. AGMC will continue to work on intersectionality – and reach out to our MCMF LGBTIQ individuals who have a disability. We intend to do this via partnerships through FECCA and NEDA, to name a few.
  4. AGMC will continue to work on building the rainbow bridge between our First Nations LGBTIQ and MCMF LGBTIQ. Only through unity can we stand against inequality.
  5. AGMC will finalise our interstate chapters, and work with each state to host their own wonderful United We Feast
  6. AGMC will continue to connect with our local communities and people, to ensure that our voice is their voice.

I’m really looking forward to 2019 and all the work it will bring – I can’t wait to get ourselves knee deep in some good old positive change, and importantly, I am so grateful for our committee members, who tirelessly (but also sometimes, tiredly) volunteer their time, energy, knowledge and hearts for something bigger than themselves. You’re the family I choose, which can be the strongest familial bonds of all.

Bring On 2019 😊

Dr Judy Tang
President, Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council Inc.

2017 Annual Report


According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, 2017 is the Year of the Rooster. It was the year to tend to the nest egg and show off some plumage. I believe that the National Committee at AGMC have done just that this year!  This year was the year of increasing our profile and also considering our future strategies, approach and of course, funding.

Earlier in the year, we had a much needed strategic session to consider our options and move us into a more prominent position. For the past 10 years, AGMC has been diligently working in the background to advocate for our multicultural and multifaith (MCMF) LGBTI brothers and sisters. However, we’ve never really been in the limelight for it and so the downside of this, is that for the past 10 years, we’ve been largely unseen by the wider LGBTI and/or multicultural communities and leaders.

So what did we get up to in 2017? Here’s a quick run down:

  1. We are in the finishing stages of our book, which cover the diverse and wonderful history and stories from multicultural and multifaith LGBTI people – it will be launched in Midsumma 2018, so keep an eye out for AGMC!
  2. We provided advice and consultations to various groups, including the NorthWest Mental Private Health Network (NWMPHN) Suicide Prevention and Intervention Project, the Family Violence Data Collection Framework, and the Pride Centre.
  3. Irene and Maria attended the National FECCA Conference in Darwin, to continue our slow, but steady inroads in advocating within multicultural communities and to multicultural leaders
  4. We attended the Victorian Government Round Table for Multifaith and LGBTI
  5. We held a Service Mapping Session with Red Cross, to determine what services and support are around in Victoria for our MCMF LGBTI individuals and communities.
  6. We established and/or increased our connections with VGLRL, Red Cross, Asian Australian Alliance, Victorian Government and of course the Marriage Equality team.

Speaking of marriage equality – the postal survey certainly threw us into a greater gear.

AGMC joined up with other MCMF groups to form the YES Alliance – and I was also asked to be their spokesperson. We spoke on the steps of Parliament and called for support from our multicultural communities to vote YES and support marriage equality. AGMC also formed relationships with groups such as Democracy in Colour and GetUp who – like everyone in the LGBTI community – have been working hard during this time.

I would like to provide a special mention to Yellowkitties – with the assistance of Irene – put together a newspaper advertorial for the Chinese newspapers, as well as a short video of an Asian mother of a gay son, candidly talking about her experience and why she was voting YES. While the advertorial was widely shared in social media, it was never accepted by any Chinese Newspapers. This is a stark reminder that AGMC has a lot of road to cover with our mission for equality and acceptance within the MCMF communities.

AGMC has many things planned for the future. In 2018, we will be holding our national conference – after 10 long years! We will also be rolling out our Training workshops to help build competency and working with MCMF LGBTI.

In the immediate future – we have the Indonesian documentary screening “Proud to be me”, organized by Budi, running tomorrow night at the Treasury Theatre. In December 2017, AGMC will host its first “United We Feast” – a dinner to unite all the MCMF groups to combat social isolation and build connections with each other.

All this hard work could not be achieved without our national committee who donate their own time (and sometimes money) to fulfil AGMC’s mission and ideals. Additionally, it is only through kind donations and memberships, that AGMC has some funds to make our connections and advocate on the behalf of MCMF LGBTI communities and individuals.

I really look forward to the future of AGMC and I hope you will continue to support us.

Best wishes, and with great appreciation,


Dr Judy Tang
President, Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council Inc.
30th October 2017

2016 Annual Report

President’s Report

It is with pleasure that I provide the 2016 President’s Report.

This year we have continued to build on previous achievements and sustained a strong voice with respect to our constituent communities.

Our outreach this year has included a stall at Midsumma; Pride March, a series of events at Hares and Hyenas; a number of conference and workshop presentations; submissions; and attendance at community and municipal events. The work on the book has been a particular highlight.

2016 has been particularly challenging for GLBTIQ individuals and their allies at home and abroad. In Australia, debates around marriage equality and Safe Schools continue to create distraction and ultimately impact adversely on our communities. It is hard to understand how our politicians on both major sides of government have failed to protect the rights of gender and sexually diverse people and as a result have continued to contribute to homophobia and transphobia.

Furthermore, our constituents continue to experience higher levels of mental illness and suicide. And as a result of general community ignorance are often marginalised.

Globally we have also witnessed a range of events including the bombing of a gay night club in Florida; ongoing hate crimes in the Middle East and the general move to the conservative right in a number of countries raising angst that legislation may be revoked or freedoms hard fought for may once again come under scrutiny.

Another, more basic challenge for groups such as AGMC Inc. has been the capacity of community volunteer groups to provide the level of support needed to maintain a strong presence and deliver a range of activities that will meet the objects of the organisation and its members. Resources take time to produce; events don’t happen without a team of people behind them; campaigns need passionate people to drive them; Social Media initiatives need people to curate and manage the content; support programs and outreach require people to plan and deliver them; playing a strategic political role requires people with a particular skill set; and responding to current and emerging social policy trends requires the human resources and time to create the media releases and online posts, arrange meetings with key people of influence and the time to attend events and meetings with key stakeholders.

It has been a very busy year and I am most appreciative of the efforts made by Committee members who have given generously of their time and talent.

Our interstate activities and networks have been really appreciated. I note the work being led by Benjamin and Gávi in Sydney which has resulted in several successful events this year including the film Chasing Asylum and the national faith and civil marriage equality forum at Parliament House.

You are a very talented bunch and the GLBTIQ community is very lucky that you are working alongside them to provide education, advocacy and support on their behalf.

I also want to take this opportunity to recognise the many partners who have helped us along the way. These include VAC who provides us with a space to hold meetings, direct mail and keep resources; the Victorian Ethnic Communities Council, Hares and Hyenas, Deakin University and Chasers. This in kind support enables us to reach out to some of the most marginalised in our community.

As we move into 2017 I am aware that several committee members will be moving on due to their personal and work commitments. All the best for your future endeavours.

To Tony Romanelli in particular, thank you for taking on the role of Secretary/Public Officer. You have provided a very important service and on behalf of the Committee and membership I thank you for all you have done this year. Your work on the Grant is particularly appreciated.

In closing, thank you for your generosity of spirit; for the time, resources and talent you so freely give; your families and friends (who have also supported our activities); the laughter and fun you have contributed; but most of all for the courage you show to live your lives with integrity and in a manner that motivates others. Thank you for the opportunity to lead the Association over the past three years. It has been an honour and a privilege.

Dr Tony Mordini

President 2016