Our Impact

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 AGMC, where diversity is not just celebrated, but cherished as the beating heart of our mission. As the national pinnacle for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, and queer individuals, as well as multicultural and multifaith community groups, AGMC is more than an organization — it’s a movement toward a brighter, more inclusive future.

Picture a world where prejudice and discrimination are relics of the past, where every facet of identity is honored and respected. That’s the vision driving AGMC, a vision where sexuality, gender, race, culture, and religion are threads in the rich tapestry of humanity, each adding its unique hue to the masterpiece of life.

Our mission pulses with passion: to stand as unwavering advocates for the rights of multicultural and multifaith LGBTIQ communities. Through the power of advocacy, the illumination of research, the enlightenment of education, and the camaraderie of community events, we pave the path to equality and understanding.

In harmony with government agencies, fellow LGBTIQ organizations, and the diverse tapestry of multicultural and multifaith communities, AGMC ensures that our voices ring loud and clear, echoing through the corridors of power and reverberating in the hearts of all who seek change. Our commitment knows no bounds as we extend our hand to migrants, international students, refugees, asylum seekers, the youth, and those with disabilities, weaving a safety net of support and solidarity.

Come join us in this symphony of diversity and empowerment. Together, let’s compose a future where every individual’s story is heard, cherished, and celebrated — where our differences are the threads that bind us in a tapestry of unity and resilience.